scrappy doo would put his dukes up and say "let me at em" then they'd both take turns kicking him then steal his kidneys 8D
Joined on 5/2/08
scrappy doo would put his dukes up and say "let me at em" then they'd both take turns kicking him then steal his kidneys 8D
The chicken from FG of course!
pinguins canĀ“t be ninjas, every one knows that! :)
100% ninja penguin. lol
neither, they get killed by mcdonalds food with ketchup
The ninja chicken from family penguin.
ni99a penguin
The Chicken.
Ninja Penguin easilly, theres a ninja penguin behind you right now.
dont turn around
ninja penguin
newsgrounds I love you so
a place to see, a place to go
I dash,bash,crash
to dowload the flash
I have some views
so I write reviews
there always nice
not cold as ice
Im running out of things to say
I hope you have a lovely day
I think the chiclen cos Family Guy is awesome!!!!!!!!!
Chuck Norris
A normal penguin would be able to beat a ninja version of the chicken from Family Guy.
the chiken because he got a egg launcher in his ass
ninja penguin
hands down